The second Solid Inspector with the superscript 2 says it can access files in one’s computer. How do I know to trust Thom Thom, whose I presume is the author?
well when you install an extension, it has to access the files in your computer to… actually install itself. you know, place itself in the right folder and all.
do you trust an extension from the extension warehouse in sketchup ?
I guess in the end it’s up to you.
mac OS is famous for its evolving security measures. therefore, a macOS update can prompt similar messages without any actual risk involved.
but if you need comforting on this specific extension, you can ask @thomthom if he’s trustworthy.
@ateliernab was being a bit coy! @thomthom is one of the most respected developers of SketchUp extensions (despite sarcastically calling his business ‘the evil software empire”). If you don’t trust him, don’t trust any extension developer.
you know me, I’m a carp
plus he works for SU now.