I’ve noticed at least 3 newsletters are missing from this list. However I can’t really blame you since it’s always difficult to remember and boring to update manual lists like this.
Couldn’t there be a listing page that automatically lists all these on the website were they resides?
Thanks Christina… I did indeed forget to add the last few newsletters to this list! It is now updated.
It was easy to remember when I was working on the newsletter, but I’ve since moved to a different role in SketchUp. We’ll attempt to keep this list updated and also look at other options for surfacing this information.
Has there been any SketchUpdate email newsletter since May, 2018?
• If so, it would be very welcome if they were added to the list in the original post above.
• Even better would be to make a dynamically complete SketchUpdate newsletter web archive gallery, and make it accessible via a link in the newsletter footer. This is standard procedure for many companies.
• Finally, the relation between the SketchUpdate email newsletter and the Sketchup blog posts tagged “SketchUpdate” is not entirely clear. Since they are not identical, what is a subset of what? Or, are they unrelated but just happen to have the same name?
I’m getting the impression that we may have gone somewhat off-topic.
• Let us hope Trimble get their Sketchup newsletter archive presentation straight.
• For all you who do not share Facebook’s “social” vision, and instead prefer open data, transparency, and full control over your content feeds, I recommend RSS.
Some parties have recently been downplaying the standard, which is a shame. The good news is that RSS is doing well, works great and most web platforms support it natively.
Using an RSS content reader, you will get the Sketchup Blog updates delivered to you the minute they appear. The currently best RSS content reader is probably Inoreader. It’s free and it works great - try it.
Hey everybody… it’s me again. I started this thread a couple years ago thinking it would be cool to have an archive of the SketchUpdate Newsletter content over the years. Our newsletter template doesn’t have an archivable link anymore, so we won’t be maintaining an archive. If you want to stay updated, you should sign up for the SketchUpdate Newsletter (if you haven’t already). Here’s the place to do that » Preference Center | SketchUp
As a reminder, here are the various platforms where you can find all the good stuff that ends up in those newsletters:
I apologize for the slow death this archive has experienced… the newsletter has had a few caretakers over the years and it’s best to sign up for the email newsletter anyway!