Hi! This is probably old news but I JUST FOUND OUT Sketchup Viewer is now FREE! Wooohooo! I am a DIY woodwoker. I have been keeping my eye on this app for a really loooong time. It didn’t make much sense to pay for an app that was JUST a viewer. This is great. I won’t have to take my laptop with me when I do my woodworking anymore! And I won’t have to “settle” for the other crappy Sketchup viewers. I am really excited about this.
Unfortunately, it says it isn’t compatible with my LG G6. It isn’t compatible with my Samsung Tablet either. Strange. What device is it compatible with then? Or is this an update issue and one should be out for the G6 and Samsung Tab soon?
As you can see above, it’s a known problem that they’re working on. The quotes above are from two different threads. For a fuller understanding, take a browse through both threads.
The 4.0.1 release that we just posted to the Play Store should resolve the issue. If you’re still unable to install on your devices, please let us know.
Successfully installed on my G6. Thank you, again, for turning this into a free app. Such a relief and so convenient. It even makes the experience of using Sketchup on a laptop much more enjoyable knowing I can access the models on my phone.