Sketchup Viewer IOS Is this real?

Sketchup Viewer is not available from Apple App Store. Does it still exist?


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A search for ‘Sketchup Viewer’ on apple appstore only comes up with downloads of Sketch-Up not Sketch-up Viewer, despite what a google search returns: (see below). If there really is a free Sketch-up VIewer app - I’d like to be able to find it.

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The SketchUp app in the App Store is a completely new application, that is either in viewer mode or editor mode, depending on whether you’re on iPad and have a subscription. For iPhone and non-subscriber iPad users, it’s the same app, only running in viewer mode. The old SketchUp Viewer that could not edit models is now gone.

Here’s the new app link:

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Colin -

Thanks for your reply; It seems my iPad is not able to update to the latest ios - so not possible to get the app. Trimble website is misleading at best on the subject of the viewer.

David L.

I will get someone to check whether we are clear about which iOS version is needed.