SketchUp to Blender materials problem (Import)

Hey everybody,

I am trying to import my sketch up model to Blender for rendering (.dae format), but I’m not able to make it look good enough. When I render there’s a lot of issues with materials and quads. I am not able to keep the original colors and there’s a deformation on the floor which creates “vibration” in render view.
(Wasnt able to upload more than one picture so I hope this opens up my problem. Material has been added in Blender)

(Material color

So I am asking is there a better Importing option in SketchUp Pro more suitable for Blender?
Is there better option to render a Sketch up model?
Or should I try to model my original sketch up picture more suitable for Blender to render?

Cheers, Tuomas

Have you had a look at ‘BlendUp’ plugin/extension?
it has a free trial for small models…

Hey that looks exactly like what I need! Free version seems to support models up to 1000 faces but buying the product isnt that expensive (35$)

Thanks a lot!

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give a try to this Gpl’ed version:

I have purchased BlendUP and I am re-learning Blender and Cycles, (it’s been about 5 years since Blender was my main 3D application). Seem to be working very well in it’s Beta stage. I have tried importing DAE files and using the available SketchUP Importer Add-on. Like BlendUP much better.