SketchUp Pro 2020 Exporting to 2D - PDF, only exports outline of 3D Warehouse components

Hello everyone,

I am trying to export my Scene in 2D in PDF format and for some reason the components that I use from 3D Warehouse (vehicles and trees) are printing out only with their outline (I can see the linework of the 3d model but no colour - picture on the left). A friend of mine was able to do the same but print them as shown on the right. Unfortunately, I do not have communication with taht person anymore so I do not know what settings they used or did they do differently. What am I doing wrong here?!


As a new user I can only embed one picture, so here is the desired result!


The PDF export from SketchUp Pro uses a vector-only format. That is why textures, shadows and other raster-based effects do not export. Here is an example: On the left how it looks like on my screan, on the right a screenshot of an exported PDF.

Hi Anssi,

Thanks for taking the time to review my post. That is totally fine with me, at this point though it seems I cannot even export that kind of detail. As you can see from screenshot on my original post, all I get is the 3d linework of the vehicle. I’m not interested in that level of detail (i.e., textures and shadows) but the problem here is that my export is (from my understanding) only showing the outline of the object rather than the object as it should be (see my follow-up post with vehicle exported properly). I hope that makes sense. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

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