Sketchup Make 2017 download

Good afternoon all,

I am after somewhere to download a copy of 2017 Sketchup( if I’m correct this was the last free desktop version) that isn’t going to have any nasties hidden in it.

Sorry if this has been asked before - i did search and couldn’t find any posts about it but it doesn’t help im on my phone.


SketchUP 2017 Make is no longer available through official channels but you can probably find it offered somewhere else. Download at your own risk, though, and keep in mind that the browser it uses hasn’t been getting security updates for some time so be aware of that. Web services like Extension Warehouse and 3D Warehouse no longer support SketchUP 2017, either.

I assume you are using it in a hobby capacity. You might look at SketchUp Free. It is supported continuously. Trimble Identity


Hi, thanks for the reply.

Yes it is just used for the odd project that i do mainly around the house , i will look at Sketchup free, as i don’t use it for anything over complex hopefully it will cover my needs. Thank you for your reply.


check the very first topic…

I was ment to say posts about it with working links (from legit sites)

Non of the links work. Thanks for the reply i am going to try the free version when I’m home hopefully not too different from the 2017 version

I have just downloaded Sketchup 2017 from SketchUp Make 2017-2-2555-90782-en-x64 : Trimble : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive on my windows 11 PC and installed it. Remains to see how it works…