Hi guys! I hope you can help me with the problem i’m having with my sketchup 2013.
For my current internship i’m making an maquette for an exhibition. I’m new with the Sketchup program, but figured it out pretty quick. Now I have a small issue. I made the museum, put some artworks in there, en wanted to make some ‘camera points’ to show to my boss, but now SketchUp won’t let me zoom anymore.
When I zoom in a big white ‘square’ appears, and my whole building vanishes. I really don’t know what to do. Maybe it’s because i’m new with the program, maybe it’s because I pushed the wrong buttons… But for now, i’m stuck!
Can any of you guys help me out?
What I need to do is make camerapoints in every room, so that my boss can see what I did.
This is what’s happening (because i’m new I can only put one image in my post, sorry)
All the best,