Sketchup crashing when making multiple array copies of group

I am creating an array copy of auditorium seating on a radius. Sketchup (subscription) is crashing every 2 or 3 arrays. I run Windows 11 on Alienware desktop with a Nvidia 3060 graphics card. I have updated the driver with no impact.


When it crashes are you getting Bug Splats to send in? Are you sending them with anything that identifies they came from you?
What kind of array are you making? I experimented with some radial arrays with no problems.

It’s too bad your seat object is a group instead of a component. It would be easier to work with as a component.

I did see a l ittle incorrect tag usage.
Screenshot - 11_20_2023 , 12_09_32 PM
And a bunch of unused stuff to purge.
Screenshot - 11_20_2023 , 12_09_47 PM
Reduced the file size by nearly 99%.

I wonder if you still get the crashes if you try the same arrays in this version of the file.
LOCC-ConceptFloorPlan-231120-V3 purged.skp (279.6 KB)


You always give great advice and input. I will make the changes and see if that helps.

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I have the same problem with array function on two different machines both win 11 pro. Laptop ryzen 9, desktop I-7 12th gen. 32 & 96GB RAM both RTX 3070.

This happens both with very simple, low geometry models with very few components and groups, and very dense models. In both cases, it is unpredictable. I send bug splats every time. Bugsplat also happens with just three copies, or high number of copies. There really isn’t anything consistent about it.

Happens with any type of array. Copy divide, copy multiply, rotate divide, rotate multiply, all give this bug splat.

This is an ongoing issue in 2024.
Radial arrays randomly crash, sometimes with a bugsplat, sometimes without.
I have been sending in bugsplats with my details and Radial array in the comments.
It happens on the ipad too. I’m not currently near my PC or Ipad to post a model, but if you try to replicate even a simpler version of this on an ipad it will crash. And also randomly on PC.

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Here is a gif showing a repeatable bugsplat and the model used.
Radial Array Splat
Radial Test.skp (106.5 KB)

Does not crash on my Mac. That’s quite odd, as I would expect the back end to be the same on Windows vs Mac. Suggests it may be a new graphics issue?

radial copy

Hmm, tried on my mac, same as Steve, nothing.

then I booted up the PC, and… nothing either. it makes copies as expected. :confused:

Thanks for looking @slbaumgartner and @ateliernab , this is why I have been reluctant to post about this as it tends to be random and I didn’t have a model that would do it each time, until this one.
But like you I open it today and it works properly.

So I thought maybe if I go the next step and finish the helix by lifting the three copies into place and arraying that, alas no, or should I say the copies work, no bugsplat.

So next thought, I undo back to the single group and try again…Bang Bugsplat! So something is definitely going on.

Maybe have a fiddle when you have time, or construct your own and see if it fails at all.

I’d be interested to know what the splats are showing, perhaps @colin can have a look at some stage, the last one being #85243

Random indeed, your file crashed for me the first time I tried a radial array, instant bug splat. When I reopened and tried again it was successful three times in a row. ???

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Thanks Endless for the confirmation that it’s not just me going mad.

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@Box, your file “Radial Test” also gave me a bug splat on chromebook in SketchUp Web Free yesterday evening (filed a bug splat report).
Just now I tried again copy rotating 90 degrees, then typed 1x (same good result) and in the same operation changed to 2x (> result good) and again changed to 3x (all good results).
I then deleted all but the first group. And guess what, radial array in one go with 90 degrees and 3x works as expected.
A mystery to me.

one by one

three in one go

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There is a crash type that comes in, that is sort of generic. Your 24 radial array bugsplat reports all came in that way, but other people triggered the issue doing a move copy, or an offset.

Someone was investigating the crashes, to figure out what they have in common. I have asked them how that’s going.


Ran into this spontaneous crash a few times yesterday. Each time SketchUp would crash on pressing enter with the radial array values. I recovered twice and the same file crashed at the tame operation, on a third time after recovering I tried to capture but on that occasion it worked fine (of course). No different circumstances that I can detect. I did send reports.

I Continue to experience these copy array instant crashes, not only on radial array but on linear ones too, instant bugsplat on pressing “enter” with the number of copies requested typed into the VCB. Sometimes it happens a second time after restart with the same operation, sometimes not. No logic I can find, I continue to send in crash reports.

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