Sketchup closing down when I'm trying to save

i am making this house, the file is getting up to 78000 KB and i would like to know if a file can get to big, i know there is a limit on 10 GB but i havent hit that with all of my files combined. when i try to save, my browser just closes down the program and says there was a failure with the website, i would really apresiate an answer to my question.

for sophisticated models use the Make 2017 desktop version free for non-commercial purposes instead.

78mb is pretty high for a browser to cope with.

thanks for the reply, appreciate it!

thanks for the reply, so now i have downloaded the sketchup make 2017 version, is it then possible to copy the file from the web based version to the sketchup make version, and if how do i do it?

At the top of the SketchUp Free window, click the icon of a folder. From the menu that opens, choose the bottom item to download the file to your computer.

thanks! i will try it out!

Or go to your Trimble Connect account directly in the browser and download the file from there.

Once you get your file open, take a moment to purge unused stuff from the file to see if you can make the file size more manageable. In Make, go to Window>Model Info>Statistics and click Purge Unused. If you open the file in SketchUp Free, you can purge unused components, materials, and styles by clicking on the purge unused button. Purge unused components before unused materials.