SketchUp and VRay file directories

So I have a 120GB SSD (due to budget constraints) and a 500GB HDD. So quite obviously, my OS is in the SSD as it is solely dedicated to just house my OS. xender

Fast forward, I need to install apps on my PC, one of which, is Sketchup and VRay.

VRay HAS to be installed in C: (which is my SSD) since I teied installing it at D and SketchUp just failed to read it cause it is reading at C.

I transferred it to C and now its working.

Problem is, my SSD is getting clogged from all the program files from all my other apps.

Now the question.

  1. Is there a way for Sketchup to read VRay at Drive D?
  2. Is there a way for the program files and data to be written in D? I really don’t wanna clog up my SSD.
  3. This is optional but, does program files and data from apps in general HAS TO BE WRITTEN IN C?

Oh. Buying is not an option, at least not for another 5 months I guess?

I believe the answers to your questions are:



Yes, it is a Windows thing.