So I have a 120GB SSD (due to budget constraints) and a 500GB HDD. So quite obviously, my OS is in the SSD as it is solely dedicated to just house my OS. xender
Fast forward, I need to install apps on my PC, one of which, is Sketchup and VRay.
VRay HAS to be installed in C: (which is my SSD) since I teied installing it at D and SketchUp just failed to read it cause it is reading at C.
I transferred it to C and now its working.
Problem is, my SSD is getting clogged from all the program files from all my other apps.
Now the question.
- Is there a way for Sketchup to read VRay at Drive D?
- Is there a way for the program files and data to be written in D? I really don’t wanna clog up my SSD.
- This is optional but, does program files and data from apps in general HAS TO BE WRITTEN IN C?
Oh. Buying is not an option, at least not for another 5 months I guess?