SketchUp and the Use on YouTube

Hello from Germany,

I´m Tom from Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia and I´m a 46 Years old Hobby Woodworker.
I use a free Version of SketchUp (14.1.1283).
Sometimes a make little YouTube Videos of my Work and show it on YouTube.
And here´s the Question : Is it allowed to use SketchUp in these Videos, or is this professional / commercial Use?
I don´t earn Money with this Videos.

I´m looking forward to read your comments.


In general, content (your own models or screenshots/videos of them) is not affected by the copyright of the SketchUp application. That means you are allowed to distribute what you create, but you would not be allowed to redistribute the application itself.

Regarding commercial use, we (users) cannot make legally valid statements. I would assume if you don’t earn your living directly from the videos, they are non-commercial. If you display advertisements, you would be safe to ask a legal adviser. Though it is unlikely someone gets sued if there is no obvious, significant abuse in bad faith.

Happy woodworking!

Hello Aerilius,

thanks for the quick reply.
That’s how I thought about it.
But it is always good to hear a second opinion.

Best regards, Tom.

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