Sketchup and help - some questions with Quantifier Pro

Hi, Ive just started using Quantifier Pro for a client. Ive managed to create the reports and componenets etc, but I have two questions I can’t solve.

  1. When I export Component Report there are a number of “inherited” items and I dont know where these come from or how I remove them from the SU/Quantifier report.

  2. In the component Report there is also a number of “shrubs” coming up that I haven’t created or dont know where to remove them or how they got there - I would like to remove them so the report only has the shrubs+ plants highlighted in the actual model.

  3. The client wants to plaI ce an overall 10% cost overlay on the project. I thought I could allocate this to the “Model” tab as a once off cost but doesn’t provide a place to put a % and instead its only for fixed costs.

I tried to upload the component report to here but not sure it worked. I would love to zoom with someone proficient in Quantifier pro to run eyes over what ive done and see if the line reports can be improved. Ive manage to learn my way and couldn’t find solution on line for these specific queries.

Thanks heaps Nikki

See if purging unused component definitions helps.

Components panel > “In Model” (House) button > Details menu > Purge Unused

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Not sure, but check that you don’t have hidden stuff in the model space.
You can also check the outliner for those shrubs and inherited things.

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Hi Dan,

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Not sure, but check that you don’t have hidden stuff in the model space. - its a pretty basic model and nothing hidden that I know of. Ive even deleted ALL materials and ALL tags not used in the model and purged as well.
You can also check the outliner for those shrubs and inherited things. - can you describe what I would do here to “check outliner” not sure Ive heard that before sorry.

Thanks Nikki

In SketchUp, go to Window, Default tray and make sure Outliner is checked.
If you don’t see the tray go to Window, default tray and click on: show tray.
Outliner is sort of a filetree like in windows but for your SketchUp model. It displays all your groups and components in your model and you can select for instance a component and it will also be selected (highlighted) in your model space. Comes in very handy for finding where stuff is in your model and for organizing your model.

If this doesn’t solve your problem, contact the author of the extension here:

Click on contact developer…

Thank you so much for taking the time. I made some inroads, but always a few steps fwd and one back. I was hoping I could do a Paid 1hr zoom with someone as I’m sure once someone who is more competent than me at this plug in would find it simple. I went onto the plug in help and their last question and answer was 10 months ago so not sure its as receptive as the SU forum.

@Whaat might be able to shed some light on the situation (quantifier’s dev).

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Thank you . Will try . I think we are just going to import 2D plants and remove the issue w all the components and inheritance issues though. I’ve just done a dummy run and seems to have removed the immediate issue for short term . Will be interesting to see if client likes 2D
Plants in plan view. Fingers crossed.

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