Sketchup 2025 / V-ray 7.00.2 - Globeplants textures load with squares

V-Ray 7 is doing something similar to Laubwerk’s plants as well. Note that the diffuse, alpha, etc paths are all mapped correctly but not displaying in the render. I’ll ping chaos as well as I’m afraid with Laubwerk getting acquired by Maxon, we may not get a solution, or it may not be within Laubwerk’s power to solve.

Edit @Elmtec-Adam - beat me to it. Unfortunately, if I want to use my very expensive plant library, I’m stuck downgrading to v6 for now :frowning:

Update Update: This Chaos forum thread states that it actually sounds like it’s Laubwerk’s problem to solve. Unfortunately not helpful for Globe Plants as I don’t believe they load via extension like Laubwerk.