When I load a model a new sketchup file, the render output of the object is not ‘cut-out’ but instead, a strange colored square is placed along the initial outlines.
Here, you can see the “green / amber” leaves to have squares around them…
There were issues with the Laubworks plants not following the new V-Ray Material setup that are part of V-Ray 7.
Perhaps this is the same thing.
It looks like the alpha channel for the leaves isn’t being used correctly.
V-Ray 7 is doing something similar to Laubwerk’s plants as well. Note that the diffuse, alpha, etc paths are all mapped correctly but not displaying in the render. I’ll ping chaos as well as I’m afraid with Laubwerk getting acquired by Maxon, we may not get a solution, or it may not be within Laubwerk’s power to solve.
Edit @Elmtec-Adam - beat me to it. Unfortunately, if I want to use my very expensive plant library, I’m stuck downgrading to v6 for now
Update Update: This Chaos forum thread states that it actually sounds like it’s Laubwerk’s problem to solve. Unfortunately not helpful for Globe Plants as I don’t believe they load via extension like Laubwerk.
Yes, I’m familiar with the issue w/r Laubwerk (I also experienced this, unfortunately).
However - Globeplants was working fine and the issue w/r the leafs showing as squares is not related to the issue described above. As can be seen here:
It seems like no material at all is listed, you can’t even change to V-ray material neither is there any way to load the materials correctly. Please note that the materials are correctly mapped in the asset manager (showing green…), but I do notice only the geometry is listed… that might be of interest…