Sketchup 2023 Mac Toolbar lost small icons option?

Seems like Sketchup 2023 Mac version lost it’s ‘small icons’ option when customising the Toolbar.
In my 2022 pro I could choose “Use small size” icons, but that option has vanished in the latest 2023.1 version.

It will be great to resolve this issue and gain again the scarce space on the laptop toolbar.

Hi friend, were you able to solve the problem with the icons in the sketchup toolbar?

In the latest version of SU2023 for Mac the option is back - just uncheck the box “Use large tool buttons”:

I have a large and very high res iMac 27" 5K screen, so leave it checked.

The customize toolbar window that SketchUp uses is Apple code. For some reason Apple took away the ability to show smaller icons in the toolbar area, and as 2023 uses later Apple code, that option is missing.

The similar sounding thing in preferences, Workspace, controls all of the floating palettes. It won’t make the toolbar icons be smaller.

…unfortunately seems like this option is still isn’t working in SU 2023.
Colin from SU team mentioned it is due to Apple OS.

The option of using small icons in the (floating) Tool Palette was actually never gone, only the one in the Tool Bar (above the work window).

A change in the Apple code we use for the toolbar. Not related to the version of macOS.

Hello Colin! I use MacOS Monterey on iMac and there SketchUp shows the small icons on the top toolbar normally! But on my MacBook Air, I updated to MacOs Sonoma and in it presented this problem where there is no option to use small icons in the top toolbar! Is this related to a monitor being smaller and Apple not allowing the use of smaller icons? Or is it due to the MacOs-only version? Any predictions for you to be correcting this? Because this greatly impairs the usability of the MacBook! Thank you

Are you using the same version of SketchUp? For me, I get the small icon option in SketchUp 2022 on Ventura and Sonoma, but don’t get the option in 2023.

Yes, same version of SketchUp 2023 on both Macs! On the iMac with Monterey and on the MacBook with Sonoma! On iMac it works perfectly but on MacBook it doesn’t

Here is the image on my IMac from SketchUp 23.1.314 on Monterey! It appears the option “USAR TAMANHO PEQUENO” which would be to use small size, my SketchUp is in Portuguese because I’m from Brazil!

So if you click on it to remove the tick mark what happens?

Please correct your forum profile. It says you are using SketchUp Free (web) version 1.

HelloDave! If I remove it, the icons get big! Here it works perfectly on the iMac with Monterey, the problem is in my MacBook with Sonoma, where this option does not appear! The icons are always in large size, making it impossible to use icons in small size! I would like to use small sizes on my MacBook! Okay, I’ll update my profile later, sorry!

I don’t have that option in any version of SketchUp. Do you have an extension that adds that menu item to the list?

If you choose Customize Toolbar, and look in the bottom left of the window that appears, in older versions of SketchUp it looks like this:

In 2023, on any Mac system, it doesn’t have the checkbox for Use small size.

Hello Colin!

Below is the screenshot on my iMAC M1 using MacOs Monterey;

and below on my MacBook Air Intel using MacOS Sonoma;

As you can see above, on the iMac Monterey the use small size icons option appears, but on the MacBook Air Sonoma there is no such option

I’m jealous now! It is possible Apple did a change that only affected Ventura and later.

Whatever the case, I don’t think the option is going to reappear in SketchUp 2023 under Ventura or Sonoma. It does still show in SketchUp 2022 on Sonoma.

Is there anything we can do? Change any code, any file in the sketchup library? Or could you be sending this information to the developer team? So they might be finding some way to fix this issue

The way I read what Colin wrote, it would seem that it’s unlikely that any further updates will be made to SketchUp 2023. I would guess that at this point the developers are concentrating their efforts on SketchUp 2024.

BTW, please correct your profile. Clearly you aren’t using ‘SketchUp Free (web) version 1’ and the graphics card is not ‘8’. Thanks.

In this case I meant all future versions of SketchUp that use the Apple toolbar interface. I don’t know why Apple removed the feature, but I’m not expecting them to put it back.

I wonder if the system accessibility features have improved since the small icon option was first put in?

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So this is an Apple thing, not a SketchUp thing?