Sketchup Pro 2015, Imac 27" Retena display with Yosemite
Anyone having issues with the high resolution of the iMac retina display showing super fine Lines that the snapping feature and select has trouble attaching itself to the narrow line.
Would one change Style settings to help? When exporting to Layout do I loose resolution with thicker lines.
There have been many reports of SketchUp issues on high-dpi displays, starting with the original MacBook Pro Retina, and now including the iMac 5k and emerging Windows 4k displays. Mainly these involve items being too small or lines too narrow to see. Trimble is aware of the situation, but has announced no schedule for addressing it.
As a near-term workaround, you can navigate Finder to the SketchUp app (/Applications/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp), right-click and select GetInfo, and then check the “Open In Low Resolution” box. This will make SketchUp run as if the pixel size on your display has been doubled. Everything will be less crisp and the rasterizing “jaggies” on lines will be double-sized, but the issues you have found will be eliminated.
I believe the issue of super fine lines being difficult to snap ones cursor to has been resolved with one of the updates. In either case I don’t have the issue plaguing me any more with SU 10.0.19913. good luck
Wrong info tab! Read the earlier post again. You want to navigate Finder to the /Applications/SketchUp 2016 folder and then right click and select Get Info on the SketchUp app.
That looks like you opened get info on the SketchUp 2016 folder, not the SketchUp app! Double click to open the folder and you should see the app within it.
I just open a drawing and yes the lines and markers are way more clearer… but fuzzy it is still clearer on windows. I guess i am pushing my luck right now… Does Trimble has the intention to update their 2016 version of SketchUp? Just purchased this mac and I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed that I can’t take full advantage of this super display on SketchUp.
Trimble never discusses their plans publicly. They took a first step by changing to vector cursors and icons in 2016, but there is still a long way to go. I doubt we will see anything more before SU 2017, as they seldom release maintenance releases to address anything besides serious bugs. Clearly this is regarded as a feature enhancement, not a bug.
We Retina users have been requesting better high-dpi support for several years, and now Windows users with 4k displays are joining the chorus. So, keep your fingers crossed…