Sketch up version update ex)2023->2024

When I update SketchUp, do I absolutely have to reinstall Ruby, reimport all the templates, and restore all the shortcuts? I’m wondering if there’s a system that allows you to update the version while inheriting the settings and Ruby from the previous version. please help me!!

Ruby is part of the SketchUp core, do you mean reinstalling extensions?

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For example, take a look at the image below.

my sketch up pro 2023 viewport.

my sketch up pro 2024 viewport.

I’m wondering if I need to redo all the settings every time I update the version, like in this image. It’s very cumbersome and exhausting to go through these steps every year with each new version of SketchUp.

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Yes, you do.

Extensions are installed into each version of SketchUp they do not carry over from version to version.

The good news you only need to do this once, it will take you a few minutes to reinstall your extensions and fiddle with your toolbars etc…

haha… Thank you… . . … 고맙다 새끼야 ㅡㅡ

:open_mouth: This is worth chatting up a product manager asking them to consider the possibility and effort to make a ‘snapshot’ feature that would replicate the existing extensions and layout config to your new sketchup version.

I see this going either way for valid arguments on both sides, but as a user, I have pity on @FJAY for having to re-organize the toolbars. I don’t install many extensions so I don’t know off hand if the extensions persist across versions, though above @medeek said they’d have to be installed per version (I think). So that requires hunting down all of the extensions per sketchup version then installing them, then ‘fiddling with the ui’ (perpetually, for as long as sketchup iterates with new major release versions).

Thinking out loud here:
I wonder how many people are in this same situation and if significant enough, a PM at sketchup could roadmap getting a happy middle where compatible extensions are copied over from a previous installation. That would mostly eliminate a need to re-downloaded the extensions and anything that’s incompatible for some reason could be flagged and presented to the end-user in a list. That could be a huge win for the end-user with not a tremendous lift by engineering to script over some components within the filesystem. When that happens, the UI layout could be copied over and any existing extension that’s incompatible could have a feature that shades out the ui for related extensions so at least you’re visually aware.

Where are the product managers?


I agree 100% with everything you said. Nowadays, games run with all my settings preserved regardless of the version and where I connect from, tailored to my account. It’s really disappointing that a program like SketchUp doesn’t even have that kind of functionality.

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