Sketch Up for Secondary School

Hi! I’m trying to get Sketch Up for Schools in my district high schools (we are a Microsoft District). I got permission to present to the District Software board about getting the app but I need a form completed by the company and see if there is anyway a company rep could attend a virtual meeting to answer questions about the app. I reached out via email to a general email that a bot gave me but no reply. Any help appreciated.

Hi @joelrking, thanks for the post. I’ll confirm with the team that your email was received and see if I can put a rush on getting a meeting set up, but you have contacted us right as we are getting the final steps done for our big fancy user conference next week, 3D Basecamp. As a result it may take a little while before we can actually do a call. In the meantime, if you have specific questions I can answer via these forums I am happy to get you answers as best I can.

Hi @CaseyG … Thanks for the reply. My main priority is getting the software licensing agreement form completed that is required by my district. My meeting with the district is September 29th @ 9 AM EST. Is there a specific person I can send the form to that handles this type of thing? The district can add the app to our Microsoft Office store but requires the approval of the board and the form to be completed.