In the past we have used the “Share” feature a lot as it is very easy to share project designs with our clients for their approval.
On Friday I did the same as always:
I saved the file locally.
I uploaded it via “File → Trimble Connect → Publish Model” (sorry, I am using the German version. I am not sure if the naming is 100% correct)
After publishing I open “app.sketchup.com”, log in, go to my last uploaded file and open it
In the top left menu I click the “Share” button, activate the slider in the popup and copy the link that appears.
I test the link in the incognito tab → works.
I send the link to the customer
The customer says “Doesn’t work”
I test again in the separate incognito tab of Chrome and also in MS Edge and now I also get:
“ERROR: Unfortunately, an error occurred while accessing this model.”
“FEHLER: Beim Zugriff auf dieses Modell ist leider ein Fehler aufgetreten.”
(regardless of whether it is an EU or US server)
Immediately after this message, a pop-up window with Trimble login also opens. But even if I log in, the drawing still doesn’t open.
I also tested my older shared drawings that are known to be “good for sharing”, but they don’t open anymore either.
Then I tried to publish using the “New” option
- File → Trimble Connect → Share link…
Same problem.
What’s wrong?
How can I fix it? I need the share feature