Sharing link not working


In the past we have used the “Share” feature a lot as it is very easy to share project designs with our clients for their approval.

On Friday I did the same as always:

  1. I saved the file locally.

  2. I uploaded it via “File → Trimble Connect → Publish Model” (sorry, I am using the German version. I am not sure if the naming is 100% correct)

  3. After publishing I open “”, log in, go to my last uploaded file and open it

  4. In the top left menu I click the “Share” button, activate the slider in the popup and copy the link that appears.

  5. I test the link in the incognito tab → works.

  6. I send the link to the customer

  7. The customer says “Doesn’t work”

  8. I test again in the separate incognito tab of Chrome and also in MS Edge and now I also get:

“ERROR: Unfortunately, an error occurred while accessing this model.”

“FEHLER: Beim Zugriff auf dieses Modell ist leider ein Fehler aufgetreten.”

(regardless of whether it is an EU or US server)

Immediately after this message, a pop-up window with Trimble login also opens. But even if I log in, the drawing still doesn’t open.

I also tested my older shared drawings that are known to be “good for sharing”, but they don’t open anymore either.

Then I tried to publish using the “New” option

  1. File → Trimble Connect → Share link…

Same problem.

What’s wrong?

How can I fix it? I need the share feature


Same here. Can’t share new models and old links stopped working.
Please fix this ASAP as it is very annoying when your client can’t open the file!


There was an incident reported yesterday, according to this status page:

Should be resolved by now.
Sorry for the inconvenience.