Setting up Xcode to debug C Extension

After a long time away from using Xcode to work with C extensions, I am trying to get the debugging environment to work so that I can set breakpoints in Xcode and step through the cpp code while a SketchUp extension is executing it.

Is there a tutorial or documentation somewhere that describes the setup for this? I have done it before a long time ago but can’t remember the steps for configuring everything.

ReadMe files:

Example XCode project file(s) …

Additional tidbits on the SDK intro page …

SketchUp C API: SketchUp C API

In you Scheme configuration you set the Application to launch (pick your SketchUp version)

You need to ensure that SketchUp loads your Ruby C Extension from the build dir so breakpoints work. This might clash with your “normal” logic to load the Ruby C Extension. For this I often use startup args to modify where the extension loads the binary.

I don’t have a ready screenshot for Xcode, but it’d be similar to this VSCode setup:

This kind of setup has let me quickly jump into debugging my Ruby C extensions in VS/VSCode/Xcode without having to manually copy any files or modify source once it’s all setup.

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A post was split to a new topic: Debugging on macOS

Do you know if breakpoints should still work if I copy the C extension (bundle) to another folder and rename it?

Thanks for posting the steps to setup Xcode Thom. I’ve been able to get breakpoints to work even with copying the bundle to a different folder and renaming it.
I did not need to use the debug.rb script. My current setup for loading my plugin from my dev environment already seemed to work fine.