Setting the unit precision in Layout

I have sent a model from sketchup to Layout. The model in sketchup has a unit prescision setting of 1/16th inch. When it goes to layout, the precision is set to 1/64th. I go to the “document setup” in the “file” dropdown menu, click on “units” and change it from 1/64th to 1/16th and close the window. Then when I go to apply dimensions with the dimension tool it is still set to 64ths. How do I reset to 16ths?

Have you tried changing it in Dimension Style?

I had opened that box a few times, but the “precision” was gray. I just tried it again and it worked. thank you. I’m not sure what I did differently to activate that little "precision "window?

You need to have the Dimension tool active or a dimension selected.