Self-training in Trimble Creator

We’ve tried to make self-training in Trimble Creator very easy. In the top right hand corner, you’ll see an educational cap button; click this to open the tutorial browser.

We recommend starting with the intro tutorials, proceeding through these in order before moving onto the patterns and builds. It will make understanding these more complex graphs a lot easier!

Let us know in this topic if you have any questions about the tutorial module or any of the available tutorials.


Is that a expected behavior’s to get the popup every time?
I did not changed anything just opened Trimble Creator link and try to go straight away to tutorial…
Anyway, what is the difference if I click on Dont save or Cancel? Make no sense for me… :innocent:
(Latest Chrome browser, add blocker disabled for

It is expected, but not the desired long-term desired behavior. The tutorial module is still very much a WIP.

  • The “Don’t save” option will proceed to load the graph for the next step (and the text in the module for it).
  • The “Cancel” option will not load the graph for the next step (but it will load the text for the next step in the module).

I know it’s mostly due to my lack of patience, but I just can’t accept the constant pop-up message.


Not exactly related to this but:
On more and more websites, I see “similar” (annoying to me) pop-up “f…ing” “important” information that obscures what I’m currently reading. such as.:
“New news on the site” (I know, that’s why I’m here!)
“Don’t miss: Discount!” (Leave me alone, I should know what it is about first…)
“Accept the cookies!” (I would make the lawmaker sit in front of the computer to click on these all day)
“Do you need help? Talk to our (robot) assistance!” (Seriously?)
“You did not save the content!” (I know. On purpose. )
My “best of ever” rated pop up:
This makes me leave these kind of website. It will be the same with this page. It is more annoying then useful in a current stage. Let me know if get rid of popups or have an other kind of tutorial.

Tantrum over.

Please Let me know if you get rid of popups or have an other kind of tutorial.

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Yeah, I have the same issue. The constant " you are leaving this page" pop-up during the tutorial is annoying as …sh…