Selection has problem..!

hello, i will publish ss while i am trying to select something it choose like the object with white and some horizontal and vertical lines i hope we can fix it.

That’s commonly due to graphics drivers. Try updating them.

If you are using SketchUp 2015 as indicated in your profile, you can go to Window>Preferences>OpenGL and turn off Hardware Acceleration and Fast Feedback and you may see an improvement.

What is the graphics card in your computer? Your profile provides incorrect information.

yes it is improve but this time its moving slowly and from left to right moving its appear dashed line

i am not sure but are these : 1920x108 / 60hz / 8-bit

From right to left the selection box should be dashed lines. From left to right, solid.

That doesn’t really say anything about the graphics card in your computer.

Did you try updating the graphics drivers?

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M- graphics card. I checked the update but update not visible it is in the current situation

Is this what you found?

Look at the Nvidia control–you should be able to access it by clicking on an empty part of the desktop–and make sure it is setup to be used by SketchUp.

I tried unchecking both the Hardware Acceleration and Fast Feedback but the selection became slow… the thing that fixed it is unchecking the FAST FEEDBACK ONLY.