Scene in Layout looks different than in Sketchup

Hi all -

I’ve spend gobs of time trying to sort this and can’t figure out why my scene in Layout has this weird gray background – maybe like a sky setting. In sketchup, the same scene shows against a white backdrop.

Sketchup image on the left; Layout’s interpretation on the right. Why the difference? I’d be happy to share files but not sure how to do that here. Huge thanks for any advice!

Upload the LO file to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.

Here is a link to the google folder where the LO file sits. This might work better: Shared folder - Google Drive

I’ve got it and I’ll look at it. Maybe @adam will have some input, too. My bride just asked for assistance so I’ll get back to this ASAP.

I opened the SketchUp file, went to the SectionA scene, switch the Camera to Perspective, and select that part of the model. Swithched back to Parallel Projection and used Zoom Selection to reset the camera. After saving the SketchUp file and updating the reference the gray background goes away.

Note that you have Fill turned on in Shape Style. Turning that off gets rid of the background entirely.

Side note: I see a bit of incorrect tag usage. This is the result of fixing it.

And some stuff to purge.

In the LayOut file I see some viewports have had the Camera properties overridden. This one, for example:

This isn’t a good idea and you shouldn’t need to do it in the first place as it can create a lot of work if the Camera gets reset for some reason or if you need to modify the scene in SU. Here’s the mess created when resetting the viewport.

Also wouldn’t hurt to purge unused stuff from the LayOut file.

The cleanup reduced the LO file size by almost 70%.