create a cube and make say lenY, lenZ the same as LenX, restrict the scaling tool to the diagonal, add an attribute for thickness of frame. The cube faces and edges will initially use to place and rotate and eventually deleted
create a joint component where the joining lines/ surface is hidden.(double click the offending surface, right click, hide) then place it in the first component at the front bottom left edge. now tie the size of the joint to the thickness attribute of the first component (this can be done after the = by clicking the required variable cell, like using a spread sheet and then pressing enter…saves typing)
once the required attributes are filled, we copy and copy rotate the corner around the cube. The logic is similar to the concentric waves formed by a stone dropped in to a still pond. we want the axis of the corners on the circumference pointing inwards.
So move,copy the joint to the bottom right, then right click it, select flip. along the X-axis (assuming you are on the red axis) then select both, and rotate,copy, (Q, place center at the inference intersection of the two mid points , then control, 180 degrees) Then rotate copy all four corners to the other back face.
now if you open any of the corners, you will see the direction of axis, similar to normals of points on the pond ripple
next make you rail between the bottom left and right corner, hide only the offending lines at the ends, make this a component BUT. select or place the axis at the mid point of the bottom of the length, same x-axis,y, and z. This means any extension is even to both sides. Fill the required attributes, thickness to lenY, lenZ and the first component lenX - twice the thickness to lenX. Now rotate, select center of square (mid point reference) copy(control) 90 degs, then array x 3. .Rotate and copy until all sides are filled.
its important to use rotate copy so the axis naturally change, if you do find one is incorrect the try flipping
Now triple click the cube to select all its raw geometry but leaving the corners and rail components, and delete.
cube frame.skp (129.7 KB)
this is probably the quickest and most economical way of achieving an architectural representation. Though dynamic its SIM not BIM
to create a BIM, require more work which maybe unnecessary for your profession, Having said that (simple information model) SIM is a good starting point, and a detailer or engineer can swap it for a more complex model. Which is all good in keeping file sizes manageable and keeping others employed