Scaffolding, Steel flooring bad passage opening

Scaffolding, Steel flooring bad passage opening problem…
…and visual glitch on configure window (SU 2021)

Scaffolding link to 3DW

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10.3 of the Eula:


Well, mainly because of the impact it might have if configurations go wrong and have bad out comings in tha real world.

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We’ll fix. Thanks for reporting!

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It’s been fixed. We’ll release in the next update. Likely next week.


if you check the modification date, you’ll see it is not been updated recently:

I hope you won’t get into troubles, in the mean time, set the number of vertical bays to an odd number. :slight_smile:

Good work takes time...

… slow takes even more.

I do not need this component, just wanted to help by reporting. :frowning_face:

I wonder if it will ever be fixed? Or should I accept that the “Live Component” was already born dead?
Will the “likely next week” always stay as “likely next week”?

This fix should be live now at Scaffolding | 3D Warehouse ( You will have to re-download the model from 3dw to get the update: we aren’t “pushing out” updates to assets which have already been downloaded

Does the interface notify the user and allow easy redownload ? (Ie, a Yes/No messagebox)

If not, why not?

We haven’t yet built a way to notify folks that a new version an LC is available. In the short term we’re going to look into improvements to the context menu item → Reload which will allow folks to get updated LCs in a more streamlined fashion.

Longer term we do envision possibly asking people on reconfiguration if they want to update the versions.

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Not yet, because there’s non-trivial work around updating Live Components when the parameter set has changed.

But def on the roadmap.

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Might be a tab in the configuration panel, with a list of all LC’d and an icon of the current state?
Kind of how the reference manager does it in the Trimble Connect’s extension.

