Hi, I clicked on save when exiting my work but it didn’t save, instead i got an old version of the project form yesterday so all the work that i had done today wasn’t on it, even though i clicked save when exiting. is there an autosave or a history somehwere on sketch up or on my mac that i can get the work i did back ? please help, I’m using Mac OSX and the demo version of sketch up before i buy it for work.
Starting another thread about the same problem isn’t helpful. You just split the information and people end up repeating themselves because the new thread doesn’t have what has already been tried.
Sorry i didn’t see that there was another pif the same problem. i was just asking no need to be rude thanks.
I wasn’t being rude, i was pointing out how to get better help from the forum, and one of the forum guidelines, don’t post multiple threads on the same subject.
It wasn’t because of another persons thread it was because you have posted twice on the same subject.
I also have no idea what pif is in this thread or sit is in your other thread. Please try to be clear when you ask questions, as I’m sure you would like us to be clear when we give answers.
Hi Naissy and Box.
Many thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with each other and for clarifying your points of view. It’s true that we ask folks to ask their questions in a single thread. So I’m going to close this thread for now and ask that the conversation be further discussed in the other - more active - thread: