I am importing a Rhino file into sketchup for use with a certain plugin. When I open the .skp in sketchup most of the edges of my model have extra lines. For example, what is a straight edge of a surface in Rhino imports as a straight line but with many segments. I was wondering if there is any way to prevent this as it’s causing some issues with the plugin.
It depends on how the thing was modelled in Rhino. If it has been done wit standard Rhino modelling tools, you could try converting the model into meshes and then using the reducemesh command before exporting the model to SketchUp. When exporting directly, the mesh conversion tends to create an unnecessarily dense mesh. What does your SketchUp model look like with Hidden Geometry turned on? You can also try ThomThom’s Cleanup3 extension (free from the Warehouse) on it.
Thanks, it was modeled in Rhino with pretty standard commands, extruding curves, trimming joining etc.
I have tried meshing before exporting and it seems to generate the same results. That screenshot is actually with hidden geometry turned on, There have been a few times I’ve gotten a broken up planar surface but usually they are ok. I have also tried meshing before exporting and ended up with the same result.
I will look into the plugin, as of right now I only have access to sketchup 8 so maybe I’ll test it out on a trial version.
You can run cleanup3 extension that will remove every extra lines on coplanar faces…you’ll find it in the extension warehouse
Are you really using SketchUp 8 ?
Anyway it will work in SketchUp 8 too : [Plugin] CleanUp | sketchucation
Hahaha yes I was running sketchup 8.
Long story short I am using a Sketchup plugin to assign geometry for an energy modeling software, the course for the energy modeling program supplied us with SU8, we don’t have any Sketchup licenses in the office so I am trying to make it work with a “free” version.
I was able to find a version of Sketchup Make 2017, which I installed the cleanup plugins on and they worked like a charm.
Note that the EULA prohibits using SketchUp 2017 Make for commercial purposes. Also note those old versions of SketchUp use web browsers that have not been supported by Windows for years. They have not gotten security updates which may make your computers vulnerable to attacks from outside.