Request for Improved OneDrive Integration [Sketchup thumbnail not showing in OneDrive folders]

Hello all,

I’ve found a workaround to address this issue we’ve been facing concerning .skp (SketchUp) file thumbnail generation in OneDrive.

In a nutshell, the workaround involves creating hardlinks of desired OneDrive folders to locations outside of OneDrive. This tricks Windows into generating thumbnails for these folders, eliminating the need to rely on SharePoint’s thumbnail generation.

For a simplified step-by-step guide on how to implement this workaround, please visit the OneDrive forum where I had raised this issue as a feature request.
You’ll find detailed instructions there.

This solution is working fine for me except some minor hiccups, like pinning the subfolders to quick access is not working as expected, but you can pin the master folder instead of the shortcut folder.

I request you all to upvote the post on the OneDrive forum, through which we can collectively communicate to the OneDrive team our interest in a permanent resolution.

Peace :v: