Render is looking very soft

Hi all,

I am trying to get my render look a bit better however, I keep getting the same result. Overall
it is looking very soft lighting and some of the details of ceiling moulding is not even visible because it simply blends in with the flat soffit or wall. Any suggestions how to fix it? this forum is my last resort as i am loosing hope already…

Probably too much light. A interior lighted only by the sun would have much darker shadows, even on a bright February day with a lot of light reflecting from the snow outside.

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There are no evident artificial lights in the room, so the only light sources are through the window and ambient. I suspect you have too much ambient light.

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On top of what has been noted about ambient light, you might also consider paint sheen here. Trim often has more gloss than wall paint, which helps define the moulding detail. Maybe try that in conjunction with updated lighting.

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