Anyone having an issue getting dimensions to reconnect to the model in layout?
for some reason I cannot get mine to reconnect.
Anyone having an issue getting dimensions to reconnect to the model in layout?
for some reason I cannot get mine to reconnect.
I see this sometimes if I’ve made changes to the model such that the “persistent IDs” for the anchor points are lost. If a simple right click and Reconnect doesn’t work, double click onto the dimension and manually reconnect by moving the red dot until it anchors to the model again.
Do you know of a way to use the same dimensions from sheet to sheet. I made a group of them and went to copy and paste them from one sheet to the next and it reverted to a non-scalar dimension related to the ‘paper’ and not the model at a scale.
I’m not quite sure what you are really wanting to do. If you the dimensions are attached to the same points in the model for the viewports on each page AND the points are in the same location on each page, you could duplicate the page. Then the dimensions would still be anchored to the points in the model on the new page. If you simply copy the dimensions from one page to another, they will no longer be attached to the model and should show paper space dimensions instead of model space.
What you are trying to do sounds like too much work.If the anchor points for the dimensions on the first page aren’t in exactly the same location on the next page you’ll have to move dimensions and reanchor them. It would be less work to place new dimensions on that page.
Just select them and change the scale to match the sketch up.
For me I put them on their own layer so I can easily select them, copy them to the new page, then adjust the scale.
Be warned that this is a chance for errors to occur.