Push-Pull Tool Won't Work On Existing Boards in My Project

Hi, Using SketchUp Free online, and the last time I worked on my project everything worked perfectly. But today when I opened my project, I can’t Push-Pull any of the boards I’ve built in the past.

When I open the Push-Pull tool and hover over any of the boards in my drawing, a small circle with a hash mark inside pops up next to the tool, and when I try to click the board to initiate a Push-Pull, nothing happens. The tool won’t activate the board I’m trying to work with. However when I create a new board, the Push-Pull tool works as expected. And all the other tools appear to work just fine, it’s just the Push-Pull tool that isn’t working on existing boards in my project.

Any idea why I can’t alter any of the boards (not one of them) on a drawing I’ve been working on for about a year (on and off)?


Share the .skp file so we can see exactly what you are working with. From your description it sounds like you might have create a group or component to contain the geometry of your board and just need to open it for editing before using Push/Pull.

Hi DaveR,

I hope this upload helps you see what I’m seeing. Thank you in advance!

Wahne Shed 1.skp (168.8 KB)

So what boards are you trying to use Push/Pull on and in which direction?

The boards I see are components. Before you can use Push/Pull you need to open the component for editing. I double clicked on one with the Select tool to open it.


Oh my gosh DaveR, that was exactly what the issue was. I’m not an expert with this program and trying to learn so I can build my shed.

Thank you SO MUCH!!!

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