Problem with Skp4d PRO

I can´t import to skp a file from project with extension XML

Your profile says you are using SketchUp 2021. On it’s page in the Extension Warehouse the compatibility requirements are SketchUp 2022 or newer. Update to the current version of SketchUp.

Screenshot - 7_12_2024 , 10_25_25 AM

Thanks, for your answer, but my colleague try with 2024 and he can´t do.

And Im using Project 2016, maybe the problem is from there.

Maybe it is.

So the SketchUp version you put in your profile isn’t correct? Or are you using a cracked version of SketchUp?

Maybe the author of the extensin will see this thread and have some suggestions.

No the version skp from my profile is correct, but I said to my colleague, try insert the file in his computer with his new version skp.
And he has the same problem.
he can´t either insert the xml

I have received the xml file you sent me by email and I can import it perfectly in SketchUp 2024.

As @DaveR said it’s tested for SKetchUp 2022 and later.

Maybe it appears an error in the SketchUp console while you import your file and I can see if is possible to solve.

when i try to insert de file in the consola ruby show me this:

then you told that the problem is the version 2024 . so then I download 2024 version and still I can´t import the file.
Do you know if have to enable some driver on my computer.

There was no problem in the end. After a conversation with him I was able to verify that it had an obsolete version. When installing the version of the Extension Store, it worked perfectly.
Please @angel2 if you don’t mind, mark the problem as solved so as not to confuse other users who read the post. Thank you

Off course, the problem was solved, with the cooperation of Rafael Teresa(thanks a lot for spend his time to help me).
He had the reason, the plugin version installed had been obsolete