SketchUp Pro 2024 files created in 2025 doesn't Import to Blender

Hi There,

I was set to find out why could I not import the lates SketchUp Pro models to Blender and came upon a Blender Blog Post (see bellow): My files Imported well up to 18th December 2024 , the they do not import at all after the 7th January 2025.

I can not test if it’s the fault of the SketchUp importer plugin or the saving method of SketchUp Pro has changed, so I thought I will flag this in this forum and see if someone could shed the light on this and provide a solution.

Thank you.

I have now created a model in SketchUp Go and opened it in SketchUp Make 2017, with Eneroth Open Newer.

I probably wasn’t clear.

My problem is that I can not import SketchUp files created after the 4th December 2024 with SketchUp pro to Blender 4.3.2.

The post states, that the saving method or naming was changed in SketchUp and the SketchUp importer can not import it. There was a request toward the plugin developer to update the scrip on “” , but the problem still not solved.

I would like to know if someone have found a solution to this or found a workaround. Thank you

I don’t use blender so I can’t verify if there actually is an issue but you can use dezmo’s save as older version. see here :

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Once saved in a previous version, you can import the SKP file into Blender 4.3.2, until an update to the SketchUp Importer extension is released.

Paul’s link to the plugin created by Dezmo may be more handy, saving directly from SU 2024.

I appreciate your help, but the file I created after the 4th of December 2024 and saved it back to v_2021 still not opening in Blender, whilst all files created before the above date are opening well with the same SketchUp importer plugin…

I use SketchUp 2024 Pro and SketchUp importer Plugin for Blender 0.23.2 from RedHaloStudio downloaded from

Not sure how did yo manage to make it work mihai.s…

You are the only one with that file you are talking about.
I created a file in SketchUp Go (which is the most up-to-date version publicly available) on January 22, 2025, and imported it into Blender 4.3.2 without any problems.

I tried again with many other files…

I suspect the issue might be related to SketchUp Pro…

SU2024 > SU Make 2017 > Blender 4.3.2

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Save back to any version from v2020 with Dezmo’s extension and then you can import to Blender.

v2021 still not working…This is why I could still open them.

Thank you for your help.

I opened the SU2024 file in SU2022 (which saves v21, 22, 23, 24) and saved, then imported it into Blender 4.3.2. No need to save as v2020.

I only have SketchUp Pro 2024 on my computer, so saving back to v2020 works well for me.

Thank you

Nothing about SketchUp changed at that date, so the issue must be that something changed in Blender. Perhaps you can find an earlier version of the importer?