Problem with SketchUp 2019.2 on MacOS Mojave


I encountered a problem following a video course on my trial version on macOS Mojave 10.14.5, while the sketch up trial version is 19.2.221.
Can you tell me if there is any incompatibility between the two systems and what the error or errors refer to ???


You need to tell us what the error messages say before we can tell you what they refer to.

You should break this out into a separate topic, as it has nothing to do with Catalina 10.15. I have run SketchUp 19.2.221 on Mojave 10.14.5 without issues. Please tell us what you mean by “I encountered a problem”.


Moved this post to it’s own thread, the Catalina post is not for Mojave issues.

Be sure to include screenshots when possible or specific error messages and steps when reporting a problem.

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