Pricing and Packaging Features for "missed market"

1- Trimble is missing a market-reach-fulfillment;

2- The market is the “hobbyist”;

3- The use is a few to a dozen “drawings” a year;

4- The “version” to fulfill is
A- Installable on Mac or Win;
B- The functions are the drawing and dimensioning CAD tools only (no need for any other workflow, development with Ruby, extensions)

5- The web version is OK but not prime;

6- The pricing of over $100/year is just out of reach for the hobbyist.

How big is the missed-market that I note?..there are millions of home garage shop hobbyists and home improvement handy home owners!!!

Offer simple version at $39.99/year, online sales only, and limited tech support if any (hobbyist can google solutions)…

Consider such, Home woodworker who does maybe 3-10 design/layouts per year.

I can contribute more detail to this, as a former product manager in the GIS industry, and former CAD mapping expert in the 80’s…

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You might have a look at this thread.

Some people disagreed with the suggestion :frowning_face:

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I’m a hobbyist and wouldn’t pay for a version without the use of extensions…
So I guess that every hobbyist has it’s own set of requirements and that i’m not the only one who doesn’t agree wit your set!
Also a limitation of a dozen drawings is a no-go for me. Not every hobbyist SketchUpper is a woodworker and I can even think of woodworkers that make a lot more than a dozen (small) designs/layouts/projects per year…

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Just to clarify:
I did not suggest limiting the number of drawings.
When you go to the thread I linked, look at the Hobby column and mt edits in red. :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree that extensions are needed. :+1:

I think you and I are really of the same thinking except maybe the pricing. :grin:

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@ntxdave as you can see in my post I was responding to @dpbeddoe 's post, not yours…

What exactly does this mean? The current Web version does everything you asked for and is completely free. So why does that not fill the market you are referring to?


Sorry, I missed that - my bad… :blush:

endlessfixLearned One


What exactly does this mean? The current Web version does everything you asked for and is completely free. So why does that not fill the market you are referring to?

The Web version does not support plugins. :smile:

I get that. My question was really for the OP. Who claimed they want:

Which the Web App readily supplies at no cost. So I’m wondering why that version does not suffice for them. @dpbeddoe appears to be requesting what already exists.

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Maybe he thinks it’s too good to be free. What an honorable man!


Because its a WEB version - not installable on desktop or laptop

OK, but you were implying that the WEB version lacked some specific functionality that made it unsuitable. I’m wondering what it lacks, because it is very capable of all the features you asked for. SO what about it being a WEB based program is a problem? Is it just the ability to work at locations that do not have internet service? I know that is a problem for me so I am genuinely asking what about he web version is not “good enough” for you?

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