Possible dimensions crash

hmm, I’m hitting a crash this morning on a specific thing.

I open a file, any file, place a dimension, double click on it to edit it, then immediately press enter…
and crash.

This is on PC only, win11, SU 24 the last two builds (I just updated and still crash)
It’s only with DX12 (new engine), if I rollback to openGL it’s fine, pressing enter will empty the textbox and close it.

weirdly enough, I can’t send a bugsplat. I’ve been stuck on this screen for the past many minutes.

I checked on mac, no issue there. truly DX12

Can anyone else check on their end ? and maybe send the bugsplat if they can :smiley:

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I can reproduce the issue and stuck on web page too

doesn’t occur if we remove the unit (i’m in meters so by just deleting “m”) but if we edit the dimension again, a “\n” appears - also crashes in inches

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I ran into that crash again today, just did a bugsplat, #468916

Thanks Pierre. I filed the issue, and we’ll see if we know about it.


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