Good Morning
Attached is a Sketchup File, extracted from a larger model.
It shows a Profile and a Path. I have been trying to get the profile to follow the path, AND stay upright. I realise that this involves twisting around corner etc. and I can not seem to find a way.
I have tried Profile Builder and Upright Extruder, and also Curviloft.
For the Main model, I changed the profile to a circle, as the profile did not matter for what I needed.
So, out of curiosity, it there a way to extrude the profile along this path, AND maintain it as upright?
Just had a thought while typing this. Maybe using Curviloft, and dividing the path back into its separate sections, with a profile at the end of each one?
Kind regards
Upright Extrude Help.skp (27.2 KB)