I’m trying to put a half-round edge on the surface of the attached. The resulting Follow me I attempt along the edge (be it the upper or lower one) does not stay on that edge and I cannot understand why. The distance between the two edges appears to be equal throughout and the profile is perpendicular to the beginning of the edge. Whichever edge I use and whichever profile I use, the result is the same to varying degrees.
I’d be grateful for any help and advice.
BICC major collar 28 Oct temp experiment.skp (11.5 MB)
October 28, 2023, 10:24am
You could try Fredo Curviloft or Tig Extrude Tools . And on a larger scale, at least 10x.
October 28, 2023, 10:38am
Another option would be Upright Extruder or Fredo6’s Fredo Corner or Round Corner.
I would suggest you scale you model up to work with inches as meters. That will let you work with smoother curves.
I thought the same, so I tried but couldn’t get it to work…
October 28, 2023, 12:52pm
I was able to do it but I had to leave the house and didn’t have time to post it. I will when I get home.
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Thank you all for your very swift replies.
I have tried running Curviloft along the edges and end up with a very lumpy result: I don’t quite know why (as ever).
Kind regards.
BICC major collar 28 Oct lumpy Curviloft.skp (295.7 KB)
John McC and I tried Upright Extruder last night and also couldn’t get it to work.
And we worked out why it shouldn’t work - the profile semicircle has to follow the curve round, not stay in the same vertical orientation.
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I got exactly the same result!
October 28, 2023, 5:55pm
I changed the axis in the extension interface to X=0, Y=1, Z=0.
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