Are you using Denoiser? And what is your quality setting at? High? And the dimensions you posted here are a bit small, 1640x923. Try bumping that up. All of these suggestions of course will add to you render time. It’s always a bit of a trade off trying to find the right balance between quality, size, and time.
here I set the resolution to 1980 x 1080 and waited about 30 minutes and vray stopped the prashot itself
I see your Denoiser is not turned on. Enable that. And if it were me, I’d drop the quality down a bit to Med since Denoiser will remove a lot of the artifacts…if it’s taking too long that is. Also, try a Region Render first to test just a part of the view and then, if happy with the result, restart the whole thing.
You need a video card if you want great smooth rendering in only 30 minutes. You’re using a slow processor with no dedicated GPU which is the worst hardware for rendering.
I thank you I recently started studying SKETCHUP PRO but for now I can’t afford a new computer
Then I suggest waiting a lot longer than 30 minutes before you can expect a buttery smooth image.
Also know that low light scenes and any reflective surfaces will make renderings take a lot longer no matter what.