Planar in models

@RTCool - those floating, hidden edges are a clear sign of mis-use of SketchUp’s Layers. As you are modeling you are likely affecting geometry on those Layers even though you can not see it. Layers are discussed on this forum almost daily because they don’t work quite like how people expect them to work. In short, SketchUp’s Layers do not isolate geometry from other geometry on different Layers. They only make things invisible when turned off.

Here is SketchUp’s help page on Layers:

That may explain why I get short edges fault in solid models. Thanks Jim

It could be. I don’t use Length Snapping often. If you use the Measurements box to enter exact dimensions as you model, you can rely more on Inferencing later in the process to get exact dimensions, which is more efficient than stopping to type in dimensions.

Box told me to get Vertex Tools ($20.00) It’s good. select the vertices and click on Planar. I found after doing this that I could just erase the bad lines. But I am reasonably sure that it averages out the vertices so does not always push vertices to any given plane, possibly causing problems later. Sorts most things though.