How do I put a single texture on the outer face of these three objects? I am trying to simulate a coated box and I need the external image of the box to wrap the object.
Are they three separate objects? Groups or components? Or just three different faces?
It would help if you share the .skp file and the image you want to use.
If you apply the image as a texture to the faces, they should align. If they don’t, you can right click on the face, choose Texture>Position, and adjust the location. In this image the texture just wrapped exactly around the three faces.
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That’s exactly what I want to do but I’m not getting it. I used the “square” tool to create the three entities in the image alignment I posted before. After that I do not know how to apply the texture on them so that there is a continuous image. If I group don’t give either.
Do you have the image imported as a material?
I created a material and used the image as texture. I couldn’t make it work. I think I’m letting something through.
Teste.skp (10.7 MB)
The most I got was that, using the SketchUV Mapping Tools plugin but the third element is the inverted texture.
How did you get the image into SketchUp as a texture?
This is what I got after clearing your model of all materials and importing the image as a texture and applying it to a rectabgle of the correct size. No extensions used at all.
Here’s a view showing the rectangle on which I initially applied the material.
I did reposition the material on the end by right clicking on the face and choosing Texture>Position. Then I sampled that face with the eye dropper and applied it to the narrow face on the back.
There is an alternate to having to set the texture position. If you apply the image to the pre-folded face, then make the fold lines, and right-click on each face, you can choose Make Unique Texture. After that, fold the two corners, and their image should be ok. You end up with four images, and you can delete the original full image.
Thank you. I found it easier, especially if you already know how the final shape of the object will look.
hello, you could also approach the problem from the opposite angle, and fold the image itself
drag it into sketchup, explode group resize & fold !
Edit : copy vertical outline at desired distance instead of drawing two lines just like the dumbass i can be