Je rencontre pas mal de souci avec SketchUp depuis l’arrivée de mon nouvel ordinateur.
J’ai téléchargé la version d’essai avant achat et a chaque fois que j’opère une manipulation sur mon dessin SketchUp crash.
J’ai fait le check avec le logiciel et visiblement il ne détecte pas la RAM ni les infos de la carte graphique.
Je suis passé par Can U run it pour voir si c’était la même chose mais tout est OK.
C’est un souci uniquement avec SketchUp.
Quelqu’un a t il déjà eu ce souci ? Y a t il quelque chose à installer pour que cela fonctionne ?
Merci d’avance
En pièces jointes les captures d’écran des 2 check
Translated (via Google translate):
I have a lot of trouble with SketchUp since the arrival of my new computer.
I downloaded the trial version before purchase and every time I made a manipulation on my drawing SketchUp crash.
I made the check with the software and obviously it does not detect the RAM or the info of the graphics card.
I went through Can U run it to see if it was the same but everything is OK.
It’s a concern only with SketchUp.
Has anyone ever had this concern? Is there something to install for this to work?
Thank you in advance
Attached screenshots of 2 check
The Checkup program uses a Microsoft routine which is bugged. It may report only 1MB graphics RAM, regardless of the actual amount. That doesn’t stop SketchUp from running.
Which version of SketchUp are you actually running? Your profile says SU2017, the Checkup report says v2018.
Other things to check:
The second report says that SketchUp requires a minimum of nVidia GT 9800, 1GB graphics memory, and seems also to imply that the MX 150 isn’t adequate. Can you check elsewhere (I don’t know) if the MX150 supports OpenGL 3.0 or greater, as versions of SU later than 2016 or 2017 require that?
Is SketchUp actually using your nVidia graphics?
Have you the latest nVidia graphics card drivers for your card from the nVidia website (not Windows Update)?
Can you upgrade the graphics card, or is it built in to the motherboard?