Hello - was working on a model successfully pressing the mouse’s scroll wheel to orbit. All of the sudden, it stopped working. I have troubleshot in the following ways:
The wheel itself still functions for zooming.
I tried another computer and another mouse. Had the same issue.
I tested the mouse independently to ensure the scroll wheel button is still function. It is.
I’ve searched other forum posts but they all say to “get a different mouse.” I don’t buy that because it was working successfully for around the first 2 hours of my project, then stopped suddenly.
I can still switch to orbit with the ‘O’ shortcut. But that’s a pain.
I am using Windows 10, Google Chrome, and the Free version of SketchUp that has no preferences menu. It was last updated on 1/28/2020.
Look at the mapping for the center mouse button. How is it labeled?
You said before that the wheel still works but have you tested the switch underneath the wheel? It’s unlikely that two mice would fail in the same way at the same time although possible. More likely it is the mapping of the switch in the mouse settings.
Have you tried using SketchUp in a different browser?
This is in Chrome on my computer using the center mouse button for orbit. I just open SketchUp in the browser to test it. Clearly SketchUp seems to be working fine in the regard here.
I used this online mouse button testing website and confirmed that the center scroll-wheel button was not firing with either of the 2 mice I tested with. Mouse Test - Test Your Mouse Keys | OnlineMicTest
So I tried a 3rd mouse, and it’s working. So I guess it WAS the mouse after all.
Interesting. What are the chances that two mice would have failed in exactly the same way at the same time? Are they old ones? At least the problem is solved.
Maybe time for a better mouse? I have a Logitech M510 wireless mouse that gets hard use every day. It’s at least six years old and still going strong. The bottom is kind of wearing thin but all the buttons still work fine. It’s the one on the left. The one on the right is about two years old and only gets occasional use.
All the failed mice I have met have had broken scroll wheel buttons. Probably the engineers designing them failed to see how much SketchUp and CAD users would come to rely on that and made it less durable than the left and right buttons. Admittedly the part is also more complicated than a simple button.
No, there is definitely some sort of hang up. I’m creating screencast lessons for students using SUF and after while, the scroll wheel simply stops responding, no longer letting you zoom. I am using Chrome on a Mac, but the same behavior happens with Safari.
My mouse is new and I know it is not the mouse as if I duplicate the tab in Chrome, which reloads the model, it starts working again, for a while.
I ran into this problem when I installed a new Microsoft wireless keyboard 3050 and a Microsoft wireless mouse 5000. This is how I fixed it.
o/s Windows 10
Settings/devices/mouse/Additional mouse options/Mouse and Keyboard Center/Click here to change Microsoft mouse settings/click on the mouse image/Wheel button/select Middle-click.
Hope this helps.
I just ran into this problem after installing 2020. Online mouse test showed that my center scroll-wheel button was not working. I found it hard to believe that it suddenly broke, so I rebooted and, as expected, the button worked again. I loaded up 2019 and everything was fine. Then I tried 2020 again and it stopped working. Again online mouse test confirmed that the button stopped working.
I’m going to reboot again, but something appears to be going on here with 2020 that is causing the center scroll wheel button to stop working for some setups–not just in SketchUp, but anywhere, once 2020 loads.
I’m using a Logitech MX Master 2S with Logi Options on a Mac running Mojave.
My center mouse button was getting flaky recently on the mouse on the left, above. Sometimes Orbit not being activated when pressing it, sometimes the view would recenter as if the button was doubled clicked. I thought it was finally time for a new mouse but this morning I used a can of duster spray and cleaned it out. Good as new.
After rebooting the scroll-wheel mouse button did not work anywhere (confirmed with online mouse test). I went into in Logi Options and it wasn’t mapped to anything, so I mapped it to “middle button”. Then I ran 2020 and it worked. F’ing computers… at least it’s working now…
Did that mapping get changed at some point? That’s always been the setting for SketchUp and Orbit. We used to see a lot of users have mapping problems like you report but I don’t think I’ve seen that now for quite awhile.
I did pretty much exactly the steps I reported. So, no I didn’t remap anything. It’s like running 2020 (at least the first two times) somehow remapped the scroll-wheel button. I’m a software engineer and my wife is always asking me how these things just ‘randomly’ break sometimes…now I’m the one wondering what the hell is going on…
I’m using exactly the same mouse on High Sierra. Logi Options lets you set different settings for each application. You might have set it up for SketchUp 2019 and need to do the same for 2020. It is a bit confusing though as you can’t tell the versions of SketchUp apart in Logi Options. It’s just something I have to do when I install a new SketchUp version.
For example, I have the button below the scroll wheel set to the home key for Safari, but it’s set to middle mouse button in SketchUp as it’s lighter to press than the scroll wheel.
Click ‘All Applications’ at the top right to change to settings for a specific application.