OpenCutList - issue

Hello. I am trying to use OpenCutList to generate a list for me, but am having some issues.

  1. It isn’t grouping any of my boards together. I have lots of boards which are the same length, however it shows them all as 1, leaving me with 90+ separate lines
  2. When it shows up, it’s not telling me the different lengths. I am using it for a deck, and there is a pool cut out. But it is not telling me the board lengths for the ones cut out around the pool. (I used curic face knife to cut it out)

Let me know if anyone has the same issues, could also upload a picture of it if that helps.

You should post the model.

Are you using groups or components?

Is there a way I could post the model directly in this forum?

I have two models I’ve done. One with groups before I knew it had to be components, and the last one is components. The one I’m having issues with is the components one.

Separate question. For the one I already have finished in groups, is there a simple way to turn it to components to receive a report on that one?

Please delete your personal information. If you reply from email your signature gets posted here.

You can drag your file to the reply window.

If it is too large you can use WeTransfer or Dropbox and post a link.

What happens if you use Generate Report?


Only parts that share the same component definition are grouped on the same line in OpenCutList parts list.

Curic Face Cut works perfectly with OpenCutList. All “not cut” part have correct quantity.


ThomThom component-replacer

use links to check them out, but use the extension warehouse in sketchup to easily install, they still work in newer version

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deleted, thanks.

Here’s the latest one Im trying. Only deck boards for now, as I want to make sure it’s formatted right before I go any further.

Pool Deck Boards.skp (337.4 KB)

And this is the original one.

Deck #1.skp (3.0 MB)

In your model of the whole deck, almost every “board” is a group not a component like it needs to be for OCL. The ones that are components are all unique from each other. Instead of 73 instances of the same component definition here, you have 73 different component definitions. Actually there should probably be two or three component definitions for the deck boards due to different lengths.

And as @boris.beaulant points out, components with the same definition will be shown as a single line item with in the cutlist. Unfortunately your deck model doesn’t have that set up correctly.

Yes this one was done before I realized that they needed to be components, not groups for the plug in.

The other attachment is the current one, where I have them as components but am still getting issues. I set the first one as a component, and used the move tool/copy. Do I need to go in after and re name each one?

Im trying to attach how its showing up, but its not letting me.

Everything is showing up as deck board, and then the #

You still have the same sort of problem in that file. Although every plank is a component, there’s a different component definition for each one. This is 32 components that should have the same definition, not 32 different components.

The left hand component is called Deck Board #58. Here I’ve replaced the other 31 in the selection with that component. Note how Entity Info now shows there’s 32 of DeckBoard#58.

And Outliner now shows those boards with the same name.

OCL would now give you a single line item with a quantity of 32. Try it with this file. Note, I didn’t touch the rest of them.
Deck DR.skp (546.0 KB)

I’m curious about how you created all those components. Did you just convert each group into a component?

I started with the first board, made that one a component, then used the move and copy tool to create the rest. is that not how I should have done it?

when you changed it, how did you do it? by typing deck board #58 into each definition? when I try to do that it tells me “the component definition must be unique”

When I use the move tool + copy mode, it again keeps going up in number, rather than keeping it the same

My setup looks different than yours. I am on a Mac, so I don’t have the option to have that right side drop bar like yours. Looks like its a pretty handy tool bar.

If you were doing it from the start, yes, that’s the way to do it. Then you end up with multiple instances of the same component.

I showed it in your other thread. I selected all of the similar components except one, found the desired one in the Components panel, and used Replaced Selected from the right click menu. Replace Selected is a very useful thing but in this case I used it more as an expedient to repair that part of the model. Copying a component multiple times makes more sense if you’re starting from the beginning, though.

Although SketchUp on Mac doesn’t have the tray on the side like on Windows you can set up the inspector windows in the same sort of arrangement with the windows docked together. The tray is handy and maybe one day it’ll be available on Mac too.

I saw the response in the other one, after I responded on this one. That was very helpful, thank you!

I’m not sure why I’m having these component issues then? Like I said, made one, made that a component, and made copies of that one. But still ended up with different components.

Does it make a difference if I copy it in edit mode or not?

That shouldn’t happen if you are just using Copy/Paste or Move/Copy. The only thing I can think of based on the earlier model you shared is that each of those were groups when you copied them and then you converted each of them to components.

Well, it makes a difference in that if you open a component for editing mode and copy the geometry, you wind up with multiple copies of the geometry inside one component instead of multiple components. Opening the component into Edit mode before copying would not result in the kind of model you’ve posted, though.

I started a new one, did the same steps, and it all worked as the same component. It wasn’t until I used curic face knife, to cut my objects in, that it then separated it all.

A bug with curic face knife maybe?

I was about to post that curic knife was probably the issue when my power went out.

Box suggests that could be the problem. I don’t use Curic Knife so I don’t have any experience with it.

As soon as I read Curic knife in the original post I guessed it worked a bit like native solid tools and didn’t respect components. But I also don’t use it.

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It’s worth pointing out that if you are dealing with straight lines and components (on axis) there is not much point using a knife tool to trim things. You should really be adjusting the length of one component and the rest will follow, and making Unique when appropriate.

Here’s a rather bumbling version of what I mean.
You can see that all ten components are edited when I edit One, but then using a knife plugin, in this case Zoro, it makes them all individuals. Which I’m guessing happens with Curic Knife.
GIF 17-01-2025 4-47-47 PM

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As far as I can test all pieces cut by Curic Face Knife become unique components. Even if they can be the same size.

So you can enable the option Group similar parts to group them in the Parts List.