They use the Definition Names of the components so click to anchor the leader on the component and a double click to set the label end and finalize the label.
Because they are not easy to pickup in the middle of all the fuss an arch drawing has and they always have the invisibel leader interfering with visible stuff.
Because leaders require more than one click.
Because the first click is on the point you want, the second click must be far away from the point you want but the leader needs to be on the first point and so you need a third click to bring you back to the start.
This is because leaderless leaders should be on top of the point you clicked while regular leaders are set far from the point you click.
When clicking all this points the leader often goes left when you want it right and right when you want it left and so you have to reposition it.
And there’s just too many leaderless leaders we need in arch drawings.
So it’s not hard, it’s VERY hard to setup.
You’re clicking on the point you want to place the leaderless leader and take autotext from.
Then you could setup your text to be anchored center, left, right, top, bottom or a combination of those…