I’ve been trying to figure out the gluing and cutting of components. So here are my observations, which might be useful to someone – corrections and further info are apprectiated.
- Only newly created or inserted components are glued to a face – unless you re-glue it manually, e.g. with the Superglue extension. And it seems like sometimes copying a component can allow gluing to a new face – not sure of the specifics.
- Once a component is glued to a face, it keeps its glued relationship to that face even if moved away, unless unglued in the context menu (or via an extension).
- You can unglue a component with native tools (context menu) but manual re-gluing is only possible with an extension.
- A component can only be glued to one face at a time.
- Cutting has dependencies on gluing and hierarchy – The opening is cut by raw edges in the top level of the component, on the gluing plane. And the component must be glued to a raw ungrouped face, in order to cut the face.
- The aforementioned “gluing plane” is determined by the axes of the component, appearing as a gray plane during the setting of axes.
- You can have holes within holes, so to speak, as seen in the following screenshot. The white square is raw geometry – everything else is contained in the cutting component.
Also, a note about Thomthom’s Superglue extension: To switch modes between glue and solvent, you tap CTRL – holding CTRL doesn’t work.