Offset coplanar faces won't draw, very buggy behavior

ok, as for the technical explanation, this discusses a ton of snapping oddities and basically it’s a bit of an anomaly: Enable Length Snapping... Why? - #8 by Box

I guess my question is this: if there is no inference during a snap whatsoever, is the snap length as precise as if you were to have typed in a value? That’s all i want to know.

If the answer is yes, then I’m extra confused as to how my simple non-inferenced snap extrusion generated non-coplanar edges, and I’m even more frustrated by the fact that sketchup decided to fill the face which indicated to me it was all dandy but it wasn’t. If the answer is no, i’m still confused as to exactly why snapping alone would set a length different to typing it in even though they’re the same number.

Sorry for the rant, but this stuff just doesn’t make any sense at all and I’m astounded by the fact that it’s been this way for decades. It’s a fundamental part of modeling in this software and it doesn’t work, and I’m really perplexed by that.

edit: in addition, the original oval shows Z:0.000000 on all vertices, yet even that shape won’t draw a face unless only some of its edges are redrawn. I drew that face and extruded it hundreds of units upward to try and see if it’s some crazy far-right 32 bit digit out of wack, but no variance in X/Y between top/bottom as there would be if Z was off. there is just something else going on here. no_z_variance_still_wont_draw_sometimes.skp (80.4 KB)