Just upgarded from Free to PRO and can’t find Free files to load. My Pro subscription has same email address and username as Free. When trying instructions to load from Trimble Connect under Files/Open Files, I don’t have the Trimble Connect option. It merely shows the dialog to open files from my PC.
Do I first have to download the Free files to my PC and then reload to PRO?
Did you look for Open Model… under File>Trimble Connect?
Assuming you purchased SketchUp Pro with the same e-mail address and password you used with SketchUp Free you should be able to open them via the Trimble Connect option but it wouldn’t hurt to download them and store the files locally, too.
While you’re here, please correct your profile to reflect that.
There are a couple of quirks when coming from the web-based version as you have noticed.
Once you have opened a file from TC via the menu, you need to publish that model to the cloud if you want to keep a version history.
This can be sone via the menu or if tou show the toolbar for the extension via the button.
The normal save or save as will prompt you to choose a local filelocation and than there will be two versions to deal with. Also , there is no ’autosave’ like in the web that actually saves a version.
Every save or publish needs to be a manual one.
The opening window will populate with the recent opened files, but i’s not always clear where they reside as with the iPad version, for instance. If you have lagging internet and not plan to use other machines, it might be best to download all the files from the cloud and than work locally.
You can publish back to your Trimble Connect storage. Go to File>Trimble Connect and choose Publish or Publish As…
Best to save to your local internal drive and only work on files that are saved locally. When you open a file from Trimble Connect the file is first downloaded into a temporary folder. It would be a good idea to save the model to a non-temporary folder on your computer, though.
Super helpful Dave. I see I’ve already got multiple copies in different places.
From what Mike said, it sounds like there is a version history available. That feels like I could already use that as I’ve screwed up my original model. But that is ONLY available IF I “Publish” it to TC? so much to learn.
There will automatically be a version history created if you are publishing to Trimble Connect. If you want to create a sort of version history for locally saved models use File>Save as… and give the file a different name each time.